Based on "The Slouch In The Couch" series of children's learning books and hosted by Sheriff Stephen J., the town of “The Children’s Corner” is located in Slouch County, in the World of the Magical Couch (an old west scenario,) where Black Bart’s bumbling gang attempts to cause problems that always end up in failure. Other characters abound such as: the "Letter Chef's," who bring a quick cooking segment into the Sheriff’s house, as well as the daily word of interest (spelled and defined in simplistic form to enhance one's vocabulary,) the Wizards and Fairies of Fantasy Forest and Mr. Dill: the angry green talking pickle, to name a few. Sheriff Stephen J. also goes through the "Wheel of Time" to get to the "World up Above," where he embarks upon educational trips, such as a trip to visit a couple of retired circus elephants, a beach trip to learn how to clam, a ride on a working lobster boat, a trip to a cheese making facility, glass blowing a pumpkin, learning how to weave, tapping a maple tree and making maple syrup, learning how guitars and soap are made and a look into different types of music including the original music performed by "The Slouch In The Couch Children's Corner Band." The list goes on and on.