Travel with Sandy and Gail - Tanzania

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To celebrate their golden anniversary, Sandy and Gail take their grandchildren, kids, and their mates to Tanzania. Following a spirited soccer game involving their grandchildren and the children from an orphanage in Arusha, they head to Tarangire National Park, a virtual haven for elephants. Then, following a sideshow staged by the baboons, they descend into Ngorongoro Crater and savor a feast of animals. The final stop is the Serengeti, where they were so fortunate to observe the incredible migration of the wildebeest across the Mara River. The Serengeti held many delights, including cheetahs, giraffes, leopards, and lion cubs. Join Sandy and Gail on their adventure travels to some of the more interesting destinations in the world. Each trip is custom planned by Gail, using up-to-date travel guides and the internet. After she plans the trip, Gail selects a travel agent from amongst specialists in this area of the world. The resulting custom itinerary develops from discussions with the travel specialist. Gail and Sandy travel alone, accompanied by a guide and driver provided by the travel specialist. This results in a more efficient trip, and one permitting flexibility to make changes that might enhance the experience. It also allows Sandy and Gail to travel at a more leisurely pace and to get off the beaten path, so that quality time can be spent in an interesting and unusual encounter. The result is an intimate and fascinating video adventure.

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