The Wood Whisperer - Ent - Ctr - pt4

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An important aspect of building furniture that many new woodworkers overlook, is the importance of finishing BEFORE the project is completely glued together. That’s the primary focus of this part of the series. A few of the topics covered in this part: * How to deal with color differences between plywood and solid wood trim. * Raising the grain and applying water-based dyes. * Theory and application of wiping varnish. * Creating shelf pin holes for adjustable shelving. * Applying angled trim to the shelves. * Final glueup and clamping strategy. The Wood Whisperer is a modern take on an age-old craft. Marc Spagnuolo, professional woodworker and contributing editor for Popular Woodworking Magazine, provides compelling and sometimes comical details on various woodworking projects and techniques. The Wood Whisperer was the first and continues to be the #1 woodworking video podcast on the web. Think of it as a modern version of The New Yankee Workshop.

Upcoming air times

5/27 at 3:00 PM
5/29 at 3:30 PM